Prior to COVID, practitioners generally kept quiet about doing remote work with others. It was mysterious to me and seemed to be reserved for 'special' people. Now, those of us who practice remotely know that anyone can do this work. The meta-physics is built into each and every one of us, and many of us know it is the meta-physics of all being and being-ness itself. We realize remote work simply is an extension of our biodynamic training that itself only needed drawing out through introduction and our patience in practicing it.
September 2020
Understanding Our Part & Our Place
In Pursuit of Racial Justice
We are all holding such heartbreak but also hope for deep change with these ongoing racial issues which plague the very basic human rights we hold dear. We want to help turn this time of heartsick, pain and outrage into an opportunity for healing and true transformation at the deepest level of possibility for a true shift in consciousness.
"Okayness" in Times Of Collective Grief
Biodynamics in Action
Week Four of Social Distancing
Prenatal and Birth Experience: Shadow and Potential
Shadow leaks into our lives, unconsciously affecting our perceptions, thoughts, behaviors, attitudes, relationships, bodies and personalities. Pre-and perinatal experience, rarely acknowledged or reflected during childhood, generally retreats into the unconscious, seldom coming into words and conscious thoughts. It is almost by definition shadow material.
Life Defining Moments In Pre-Natal History
A Conversation Between Katherine Ukleja and Dominique Degranges
In the Biodynamic Craniosacral field we look at early conception, implantation and fetal development as imprints which help us understand and discover early forces and energies that begin to form our human experience. In this blog we will hear from two leading experts in the field of pre-natal territory by way of a conversation about this fascinating area about the beginnings of human form.
BCST, the Subtle Body and Transformative Shifts in Health and Perception
Trauma held in the body/mind field creates a regioning that has two possible potentia. The first is density and inertia held in the body, enfolding the remnants of trauma in the physical tissue and non-physical fields until it can be resolved; the second is the way in which the trauma and the subtlety of its resultant, subconscious habit-field –our thoughts/concepts, projections and accompanying actions– direct its affects in and as our experience of perceptivity and perceiving.
The Profound Contributions of W. G. Sutherland
Dr. William Garner Sutherland (1873-1954) was one of the first graduates of Dr. A.T. Still’s School of Osteopathy in 1900. In osteopathic college, the anatomical texts of the day reported bones of the cranium were fused by the time one reached adulthood. In school he disarticulated a temporal bone from a skull, noticed its beveled edges and was struck with the thought, “beveled like the gills of a fish indicating primary respiration.” This was a transformational insight and he dedicated the rest of his life to exploring this discovery.
Healing with Touch: A.T. Still’s Contribution
Dr. Andrew Taylor Still (1828-1917) “discovered” the secrets of hands on healing when devastating personal tragedy convinced him that administering medicine was not the cure for disease. He believed there must be a better way to cure the sick and embarked on a lifelong quest to understand the complexities of health and disease, life and death.
Mindfulness at the Heart of Healing
Birth Imprints and The Cranium
BCST, Shame & The Polyvagal System
Polyvagal Theory in Healing Trauma
We human beings are wired for connection and safety. This wiring is a primitive survival mechanism built into our neurobiology. As we engage in connecting with one another in this New Year, understanding of The Polyvagal Theory and Social Engagement System is an integral part of how we relate to one another, how we self and co-regulate and how healing can manifest in our bodies and in relationship.