KU: Let’s talk about our very beginnings, that first part of our biography between conception and implantation
DD: In reality this will be the start of being in a body, that is a big transition. Everything that went before is without this physical body and that would be experienced differently than when you have a body.
KU: Can you say that before you enter the body you are in a field of potential?
DD: Exactly. You can say it like that. And from conception we are in a body, but we need to understand conception, not as a moment, but as a process of gaining a body. I like to put conception and implantation as a process together - difficult to separate those two. Of course, there will be that moment of conception when the ovum is fertilized, which is an unfortunate word.
KU: But even that is not just a moment. Even when those two pro-nuclei merge, it takes hours to write the DNA code for the new individual.
DD: Which leaves the big question of when does the spirit come in the body? And we come closer to the truth when we look at the whole phase from implantation to conception. Also, the form tells us a lot. To start with we are like a bubble, a perfect spherical form, and then we have to grow into a longitudinal shape. So, the changes in our morphology which result in a human body are incredible.
What is very important at conception is that this is your first body experience, the first meeting of spirit and body. You are not yet one together (in spirit and body) but this is your first meeting. You are bound together and then it takes time to create a body.
KU: There is that beautiful quote from Jaap der Wal, he says, “Conception is an event binding matter and spirit”.
DD: Yes this is a beautiful quote. And another thing that’s important is that this is a transition from before to now, which makes it a powerful moment at which you can say yes or no to life. Because at this moment, now I am in, it is the beginning of a relationship between spirit, body and life. So, the only option is to bond with the body and become a body and there are a lot of universal forces behind that flow. You are in the process of individuation, and you have an individual experience.
KU: Your phrasing is very beautiful – ‘Now I am in’ – ‘Now I am in life’ – because life is already there. The cells which come together here, the ovum and the sperm, are both alive, and their DNA is merging to continue life. Life is present, it’s not as if life begins at conception and it continues with the phrase; now I am in. Something comes in.
DD: Yes, something comes in.
KU: Something new. There’s a new creation, a new biography.