Stefanie Proessl
AmSAT Certified, GCFP, RCST,BCST Certified Instructor
Stefanie Proessl is an accredited practitioner with the American Society for the Alexander Technique and the Feldenkrais Guild of North America. She has taught classes and worked with individuals continuously since 1995. Stefanie was first exposed to Craniosacral Therapy through study of Polarity Therapy in the early 2000s, and subsequently through coursework at the Upledger Institute. Realizing the need for more grounding in therapeutic dialogue, she incorporated Focusing, a method developed by the late psychotherapist Eugene Gendlin. With BCST, Stefanie found a truly comprehensive approach to healing. In addition to a part-time position in intercultural student exchange, Stefanie maintains a private practice in NYC, offering an integrated synthesis of traditions.